Mind Hacks That Will Help You Achieve Anything You Want

Manifesting isn’t for everyone but there are some brainy hacks that can help you achieve anything you set your heart on. So, let’s kick off 2025 with some fancy mind work. After all, we can all agree that achieving your goals and living the life you desire often starts with your mindset.

Discovering Your True Career Path

This month we are talking about life alignment and specifically evaluating whether or not our lives and our careers reflect our deepest intentions and align with the people that we want to be at our core.

How to Make Friends as an Adult

As most of us are pressed for time it seems a lot easier to simply lament the fact that we don’t have a large friend group any longer than to expend the effort in time it makes to create new friendships. But in reality there are a lot of simple ways to make friends that will not only further that goal but will likely fulfill other interests that make us well-rounded, happier humans.

How to Leave Law and Pivot

It’s amazing to me how often I encounter women who are chomping at the bit to leave the practice of law for good. Many of these women already have side gigs that they have started and others have secret hopes and plans stuffed away in the closet waiting for a …

Making it Happen

All things are yin and yang and there are always going to be things that we simply don’t want to do. It is during those moments when we can rise up as fully grown humans and accept that even when there are things we don’t want to do, we must simply accept that part of life and proceed anyway.

I’m Running Out of Time

Recently, I have been inundated with clients overwhelmed with the idea that they are “running out of time” for one thing or another. While I fully understand the importance of setting goals and having something to work for, what does it mean when we say that we are running out of time? Does that fear drive us to soar even higher or are the results more nefarious?

Is It Me or the Job?

One of the most common recurring themes I encounter when working with new clients is the question: is it me or is it the job? Today I want to explore a simple exploration you can undertake to get to the bottom of this critical and terrifying question.

Feeling Stuck

There are all these rules about how we are supposed to live and how things are supposed to work out and many of us wholeheartedly believe these rules and it is keeping us stagnant. How to get unstuck and open to new possibilities.

How to Take the Leap

In my work as a coach, it is rare that a client isn’t stuck in some form of the IDK quagmire. They want more time or more balance, they want a new career, they want a different relationship with others, etc. but they JUST. DON’T. KNOW. HOW. to get there.